First of all we need a SSH Access to our Website or Server.
In this case we will use letsencrypt to get a free certificate on a Apache2 Webserver running on Debian.
All we need is the package certbot and snapd
apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
apt-get install snapd certbot python3-certbot-apache
/// installing of snapd
snap install core
/// install and configure certbot
certbot --apache
Answer the questions:
- enter a valid emailadress for urgent renewal
- accrept the Terms of Service
- is optional, but i u want to support the guys give them a yes.
- Which names would you like to activate https? -> let it empty and hit enter for all
Now we need a crontab to renew our certificate
crontab -e
// File:
# m h dom mon dow command
* * 1 1,4,7,10 * certbot renew