Raccoon stealer
Raccoon Stealer Abuses Telegram Infrastructure to Store C&C Addresses Read more: https://cybersecuritynews.com/raccoon-stealer-abuses…/
Just another IT & Cybersecurity Page
Raccoon Stealer Abuses Telegram Infrastructure to Store C&C Addresses Read more: https://cybersecuritynews.com/raccoon-stealer-abuses…/
A new feature has been introduced recently for Kali Linux by Offensive Security, dubbed as Kali Unkaputtbar. This newly added feature offers the users of Kali Linux a new menu to boot directly into snapshots. This new feature is available on all Kali Linux 2022.1 and on the later systems that by default utilize the […]
The cybersecurity and fraud world plays host to a relentless series of “cat and mouse” games between criminals and those who work to thwart their efforts. Open source intelligence (OSINT) is a great example of how technology can be used both by nefarious hackers and by those who seek to turn the tables on them. […]
Pwndora is a massive and fast IPv4 address range scanner, integrated with multi-threading.Using sockets, it analyzes which ports are open, and collects more information about targets, each result is stored in Elasticsearch. You can integrate with Kibana to be able to visualize and manipulate data, basically it’s like having your own IoT search engine at […]
The main assumption of creating this tool was easier and faster delivery of commands sets to be performed on customer environments. As a result of such a scan I wanted to get the most useful information about system components that will be subjected to penetration tests and audits at a later time. Donwload: Here
Security experts have spotted an interesting case of a suspected ransomware attack that employed custom-made tools typically used by APT (advanced persistent threat) groups. Although no concrete connection between groups has been uncovered, the operational tactics, targeting scope, and malware customization capabilities signify a potential connection. As detailed in a report sent to Bleeping Computer […]
The new rules for apt-keys need some attentions: download an convert the .key file (Release.key) to .gpg create a new list file in /etc/apt/source.list.d/ After all reload source list
VAF :– very advanced (web) fuzzer. Features: Grepping Outputing results to a file Status code filtering Detect reflexivness (useful for finding xss) Add prefixes, suffixes Custom wordlists Fuzz any part of the url Fuzz POST data URL encode payload Disclaimer:- This project was created for educational purposes and should not be used in environments without […]
Cloudflare announced that it is taking drastic measures to protect data of customers in Eastern Europe under current conditions of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The U.S.-based web infrastructure and security company known for its DDoS mitigation services announced its decision to stay in the Russian market, albeit with some aspects of its business suspended.” […]